dpsindirapuram2019’s diary

The nursery is an important part of schooling. A child starts to learn several things that he/she carries throughout his/her life. If you are willing for Indirapuram public schools nursery admission then you have to think for a long period. Changing schoo

Education is incomplete without Art

Art is the most important element in education to enhance the creativity and imagination of a child. Art is a medium for the communication of creativity and imagination. On the other hand, art enhances brain function and has an impact on brain wave patterns and emotions, the nervous system, and can actually raise serotonin levels.

Art can change a person’s outlook and the way they experience the world. Education in the arts is an integral part of the development of each human being. Therefore, it is very important for schools to connect students to art education in their early years.


cbse schools in ghaziabad

DPS Indirapuram is one of the best CBSE Schools in Ghaziabad which lays great emphasis on art education. Education and engagement in the arts are an essential part of the school curriculum in DPS Indirapuram. Many art activities are included in the extra curriculum to enhance the creativity of students. Art activities like painting, sculpting, drawing, are relaxing and rewarding hobbies that can lower the stress level of students.

Learning a musical instrument, creating a painting, learning to dance, or singing in a chorus teaches that taking small steps, practicing to improve, being persistent, and being patient are essential for student’s growth and improvement. Students gain confidence as they try to accomplish things that do not come easily. Learning an artistic discipline helps the young ones to develop character. Students learn habits, behaviours, and attitudes that are necessary for success in any field of endeavour.

The arts provide many opportunities for students to demonstrate their skills through authentic performance. The arts enable students to grow in confidence and learn how to think positively about themselves and learning.

Arts education helps make learning matter to students by giving them a medium to connect new knowledge to personal experiences and express what they have learned to others. DPS Indirapuram ranks top in the list of CBSE schools in Ghaziabad because of outstanding education and curriculum. Give your child the best education in the best school of Indirapuram which is DPS Indirapuram.